The password is incorrect. You still have {NUMBER} attempt(s)
Your e-mail address hasn't been verified yet, get a new link sent to {EMAIL} by clicking below :
Your password has expired, please define a new one.
Please connect using your e-mail address.
If you connect for the first time, simply enter your email address in the field below and click on the "I don't have a password/I forgot my password" link to initialise your password.
An email has been sent to you to set or reset your password. Please check your mailbox, including your spam folder and click on the link in this email to do it.
Your password needs to be set or reset. Please click on the link below to receive an e-mail containing a link to do so : Get link by email
An email has been sent to you to set or reset your password. Please check your mailbox, including your spam folder and click on the link in this email to do it.
Your e-mail address doesn't match the verification information included in the URL. Please ensure you clicked on the latest link you received by email and filled the information from the corresponding page.
You tried to get the reset link 5 times today, which exceeds the limit. Please try again tomorrow our contact your HR team.
This user account doesn't exist yet or has been deleted, please contact your HR team to get a new one created.
An e-mail has just been sent to reset your password!